Your College & Career Guide, just a click away, create your account today!

(For Learners)

TecoGuide is a free college and career navigation platform that simplifies & personalizes your  educational journey.  Whether you are thinking about starting college, currently enrolled in college, or dropped out and are ready to come back…

TecoGuide teaches, guides, and exposes you to the tips, strategies, and content you need to complete your goals!   

Our goal is to save you as much time and money as possible while you navigate a career certificate or college degree.  

We focus on affordable college certificate & degree options available through the Ca Community College system, as well as non-college apprenticeship and industry training programs.  

TecoGuide Features:

Pathway Requirements :

We tell you exactly which class you have completed and still need to take for your goal. 

Financial Aid & Support Services Eligibility :

We tell you exactly which grants & services you may qualify for, saving you TIME & MONEY!

Motivational Content :

Need a bit of inspiration to keep going?  Check out our culturally relevant curated content for a dose… you won’t regret it!  

TecoGPT :

Get answers fast!  Use our regenerative AI feature to ask any college or career question in any language.  

Major Search :

Need to know what majors are offered at what college campus? Look no further, find your answers in seconds!

Notifications & Reminders :

Never miss an application or deadline again!  We tell you exactly what to do and when to do it!

How does TecoGuide work?


Create Free Account

Download the TecoGuide App or use the web to create your free account.


Set up your profile

Answer profile questions and tell us your goals and what classes you have taken (if any).


Teco gets to work

TecoGuide gets to work We determine the most affordable path to a degree, informing you of all the relevant financial aid, support services, and while keeping you inspired and motivated. .


Lifetime access

We continuously monitor, inform, and distribute personalized content to guide you through the entire college and career lifecycle.

No matter where you come from, you deserve a future full of opportunities

Anyone can get started in TecoGuide!

  • High school students
  • Community college students
  • General public from 13 + years of age
  • Parents
  • Community members

Ready to change your life?
Get started now!

Questions & Answers

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We Have Answers

Anyone over the age of 13 who wants to study can do so, whether they are students, non-students, parents, community members, etc. High school students can start college classes for free through Dual Enrollment programs.

No, TecoGuide is always free to learners.

There are two ways to enter a UC:
1. Immediately after high school, i.e., as a first-year student.
2. Transferring from a community college, i.e., entering as a Junior (3rd year)

There are huge advantages of transferring in, not only in terms of cost but also in terms of GPA and having a guarantee to get in.
Click here for more information. 

The University of California system is a group of highly regarded public research universities in California. It has ten campus locations, nine of which offer undergraduate and graduate degrees. The UC system offers 160 academic disciplines and 800 degree programs. UC’s faculties are highly regarded and ranked among the top-ranked. They are highly competitive for admission and are considered some of the best public universities in the country.

The California State University system is a group of public universities based in California. It is the largest four-year public university system in the United States.
CSU schools are popular because they offer quality studies at an affordable price for California residents.

The CSU system comprises 23 colleges, all of which have degree programs available.
UC schools focus more on research and scholarly publications, while CSU schools focus more on helping students develop professional and practical skills that will enable them to gain employment upon graduation.

Click here to view Professor G response on Instagram. 

All students can decide to stay or leave the university during any term. Often times when students actually start attending the University it’s not what they expected. It’s called culture shock!

You always have the option of attending a community college so if you got a leave the University, just do it officially and keep moving forward. 

Click here for more information. 

Most CA residents (over 75%) go for free because of the various CA Promise grants and other financial aid programs. 

Click here for more information.

California is home to the largest open-access university system in the U.S. It serves more than 1.8 million students annually on 116 campuses. 

If you are an adult who did not finish high school or finished high school in another country, but have lived in California for many years, you can apply to a college and enroll, possibly for free. There are many programs that help students, click here for more information.

If you need more information about California College Opportunities, send un an email to